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September 18, 2024

Good morning, everyone in America!

Umm, from what we looked into before, we kind of figured out that it's possible to generate electricity with an LED.

Next, we need to figure out how to receive the changes in light intensity.
As many people might imagine, we can use an LED for this.

So, how can we separate the electricity generated from the changes in light intensity?
I think we need to separate the electricity as electricity and the light signal as a signal.

Then, the light signal needs to be amplified using the generated electricity and fed into a microcontroller.
The microcontroller will use a display to show the content of the light signal as text.

Do you kind of understand what I’m trying to do?

How can we separate the electricity generated from the changes in light intensity?
For this, we’ll use an electronic component called a capacitor.

A capacitor allows alternating current (AC) signals to pass through, but it blocks direct current (DC) signals.

Do you understand the difference between alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC)?
This part is a bit tricky.
A capacitor costs about $0.01.
This by itself is extremely cheap.
You might wonder if something like this can really separate the signals... Yes, it can.
Why is this possible?
Let’s not worry about that for now.
For now, just assume it can be done.

​In the lecture that’s about to begin, you will learn the meaning of signals related to microcontrollers and how to use them.

As I mentioned before, we’ll be using very low-cost components for the microcontroller and other parts.
What we create here might seem like toys.
But how will toys from developed countries feel to people in developing countries?

You will also learn how to make products using these technologies.
You will use components costing between $0.01 to $0.30 to create products.
And then, you will sell them.

At that point, the price of the product can be around 100 times the cost of the components.
In other words, you’ll be able to start a business very easily.
And the best part is, you won’t need much money at all.

I want all of you to use this ability to help Israel and Palestine!
If you all come together, it will definitely be possible to help both countries.
Please, help them.

And through this, please help everyone in the world.

I’m asking you. I will cooperate as much as I can.
You can do it. You are Americans.

I need to get ready for work now. 
I will continue this after I finish work. 
I should be done by 7:00 PM Japan Standard Time (JST).

I appreciate your help.
Thank you!

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